MirrorSearch (1): missing operand at _@_
in expression " _@_< "
    (parsing expression " < ")
    invoked from within
"expr [lindex $a 4] < [lindex $b 4]"
    (procedure "CompareStampRep-iState" line 4)
    invoked from within
"CompareStampRep-iState {{stars abundance} 1} {{southern ocean} 2}"
    (-compare command)
    invoked from within
"lsort -command CompareStampRep-iState $searchResultList"
    invoked from within
"if [string equal yes $cgi(fusion)] {
# Make fusion of repeated entries
# puts $searchResultList	;# >>> may return an error message
# Store searchResul..."
    invoked from within
"if [regexp "^\{<(.*)>\}$" $searchResultList m errorMessage] {
# the search expression has a syntax error
		if $header {
			if [info exists cgi(query)]..."
    (procedure "CreateOutput" line 226)
    invoked from within
"CreateOutput  $language $languageRep1 $languageRep2 $query $query2String Search {}  0 $maximumNumberOfEntries $cgi(choice) $header  {^$} 0 {} $cgi(out..."